There was a stirring of interest in african studies in the universities . 各大学掀起研究非洲问题的热潮。
African studies and teachings in australian universities 澳大利亚高校的非洲研究与教学
School of oriental and african studies soas 伦敦亚非学院
School of oriental and african studies 伦敦大学亚非学院
And african studies soas , chancellor of city university )的理事,城市大学的校长,伦敦都市大学的副校长。
It supports a previous south african study which reported similar results 这个结果支持了先前南非研究的相似结果。
He studied chinese in the school of oriental and african studies , university of london , where he received his ph . d . in chinese literature in 1954 在伦敦大学东方及非洲研究所研读中文,并于1954年取得中国文学博士学位。
1996 aspects of smallpox and its significance in chinese history , phd dissertation , london : school of oriental and african studies , university of london 1991 《中国传统天文的兴起及其历史功能》 ,新竹,国立清华大学历史研究所硕士论文。
1996 aspects of smallpox and its significance in chinese history , phd dissertation , london : school of oriental and african studies , university of london , 1996 1991 《中国传统天文的兴起及其历史功能》 ,新竹:清华大学历史研究所硕士论文, 1991 。
Chia - feng chang , aspects of smallpox and its significance in chinese history , phd dissertation , london : school of oriental and african studies , university of london 《中国传统天文的兴起及其历史功能》 ,新竹,国立清华大学历史研究所硕士论文。